3. Suggesties voor ministerie van zelfstandigen (in hoofd- of bijberoep)
- Variabele toegangstarieven tot het zelfstandigenstatuut
Vele kunstenaars kunnen dit zelfstandige statuut nu niet veroorloven. Voor kleine zelfstandigen zouden andere tarieven kunnen gelden dan voor grote zelfstandigen. Deze variabele tarieven zouden de instap voor sommige kunstenaars kunnen gemakkelijker maken.
- Snellere herberekening van de tarieven
Vele kunstenaars en kunstwerkers hebben een heel onregelmatig inkomen. Dit kan grote gevolgen hebben voor de hoogte van de verschuldigde bijdragen. De berekeningen voor de bijdragen van zelfstandigen gebeuren echter te traag. Dit maakt het voor vele kunstenaars moeilijk omdat zij soms jaren bijdragen moeten betalen die brekend zijn op een bepaald moment. Kan er een snellere herberekening komen voor de bijdragen, afhankelijk van het inkomen?
- Een betere sociale zekerheid bij zelfstandigen of zelfstandigen in bijberoep
Ook staan kunstenaars in het zelfstandige statuut of het statuut ‘zelfstandige in bijberoep’ zeer zwak op het moment dat zij door omstandigheden niet kunnen werken (bv uitval door ziekte, zorg voor zieke kinderen) of het wegvallen van opdrachten. Het opbouwen van reserves is bij de huidige stand van inkomsten nauwelijks mogelijk. We zien de dramatische gevolgen hiervan in Nederland waar een doorgedraaid ZZP systeem tot precaire situaties voert.
- Accumulatie van sociale zekerheid bij zelfstandigen in bijberoep
Veel kunstenaars en kunstwerkers zijn zelfstandige in bijberoep. Vooral mensen met part-time werk maken gebruik van dit statuut, maar genieten nu nauwelijks van een sociale bescherming voor hun bijdragen aan het zelfstandige statuut. Veel zelfstandigen in bijberoep hebben het hierdoor moeilijk. Zou de sociale bescherming door de combinatie van de twee statuten aanvullend gemaakt kunnen worden in één zelfde loonkorf?
- Het naar elkaar laten toe groeien van de twee sociale statuten
Met het voorstel van een loonkorf voor de accumulatie van de twee sociale statuten ziet SOTA op lange termijn een mogelijkheid van de twee bestaande sociale statuten naar elkaar toe te laten groeien. De huidige splitsing stemt voor vele kunstenaars niet overeen met hun realiteit. Eens de twee verschillende sociale statuten sterker op elkaar gaan lijken, dan bestaat er misschien in de toekomst ooit wel een mogelijkheid om tot één sociale zekerheid te versmelten. Dit zou meer mutualiteit tussen de verschillende sectoren en beroepscategorieën mogelijk maken, wat het algemeen systeem van de sociale zekerheid enkel duurzamer zou maken.
3. Suggestions pour le ministère du travail indépendant (activité principale ou complémentaire)
- Des taux d’accès variables au statut d’indépendant
De nombreux artistes ne peuvent pas se permettre ce statut d’indépendant. Des taux différents pourraient s’appliquer aux petits travailleurs indépendants et aux gros travailleurs indépendants.
- Des taux calculés plus rapidement
La plupart des artistes et travailleurs de l’art ont des revenus irréguliers. Cela peut avoir un impact majeur sur la hauteur des cotisations. Le calcul des cotisations des travailleurs indépendants est toutefois trop lent. Cela complique la tâche pour de nombreux artistes, et il peut arriver qu’ils payent des cotisations trop élevées pendant des années car calculées à un moment précis. Peut-on accélérer le re-calcul des cotisations en fonction des revenus ?
- Une meilleure sécurité sociale pour les indépendants à titre principal et complémentaire
Les artistes au statut d’indépendant, que ce soit à titre principal ou complémentaire, se retrouvent dans une position très faible lorsqu’ils ne peuvent pas travailler (par exemple, en cas d’arrêt maladie ou pour soigner un enfant malade) ou en cas d’annulation d’une mission. La constitution d’un fonds de réserve n’est guère possible avec le niveau de revenus actuel. Nous en voyons les conséquences dramatiques aux Pays-Bas où un système corrompu pour les indépendants entraîne une grande précarité.
- Cumul de la sécurité sociale dans le cas des travailleurs indépendants à titre complémentaire
De nombreux artistes et travailleurs de l’art exercent une activité indépendante à titre complémentaire. Généralement, les personnes faisant usage de ce statut travaillent à mi-temps, mais elles ne bénéficient presque d’aucune protection sociale pour leurs cotisations au statut d’indépendant. De nombreux indépendants à titre complémentaire ont des difficultés. La protection sociale pourrait-elle être complétée en combinant les deux statuts dans un seul et même panier de salaire ?
- La convergence des deux statuts sociaux
Avec la proposition d’un panier de salaire pour le cumul des deux statuts sociaux, SOTA voit une opportunité de convergence de ces deux statuts sur le long terme. La répartition actuelle ne correspond pas à la réalité des artistes. À l’avenir, lorsque les deux statuts commenceront à se ressembler, il sera éventuellement possible de les fusionner en une seule sécurité sociale. Cela permettrait une plus grande mutualisation entre secteurs et catégories professionnelles, ce qui contribuerait à rendre le système général de sécurité sociale plus durable.
3. Suggestions for Ministry of the Self-Employed (in main or secondary occupation)
- Variable rates of access to self-employed status
Many artists cannot afford this self-employed status now. Different rates could apply to small self-employed people than to large self-employed people. These variable rates could make it easier for some artists to enter the market.
- Faster recalculation of rates
Many artists and art workers have a very irregular income. This can have a major impact on the level of contributions owed. However, the calculations for the contributions of the self-employed are too slow. This makes it difficult for many artists because in periods with low acticity they have to pay too high contributions. Can there be a faster recalculation of contributions depending on income?
- Better social security for the self-employed or self-employed in a secondary occupation
Artists with self-employed status or the status ‘self-employed in a complementary occupation’ are also in a very weak position when they are unable to work due to circumstances (e.g. absence due to illness, care for sick children) or when assignments fall through. Building up reserves is hardly possible at the current level of income. We see the dramatic consequences of this in the Netherlands, where a perverted ZZP system leads to precarious situations.
- Accumulation of social security for the self-employed in a secondary occupation
Many artists and artisans are self-employed as a secondary occupation. Particularly people with part-time work make use of this status, but now hardly enjoy any social protection for their contributions to the self-employed status. Many self-employed people with a secondary profession are having a hard time because of this. Could the social protection provided by the combination of the two statuses be made additional in one and the same pay basket?
- Converging the two social security statuses
With the proposal of a wage basket for the accumulation of the two social statutes, SOTA sees an opportunity in the long term for the two existing social statutes to grow towards each other. For many artists, the current split does not correspond to their reality. Once the two different social statuses start to resemble each other more closely, there may in the future be a possibility to merge them into a single social security. This would allow for more mutualisation between the different sectors and professional categories, which would only make the overall social security system more sustainable.
SOLLUTIONS that were brought up in part 1. 1. We’ll be thinking about collective agreements between self employed / independents.
We’ll talk about the idea of a basic income for the self employed
or when you’re beneath a certain threshold that you shouldn’t pay any taxes. Apparently this exists already in the Netherlands. Maybe we can copy the system, so to speak.
Carlo: you can change every year with the soc. security you are connected with, by submitting a motivation. From the artisties coalite made the propsal to make a basket, bringening together a all the different systems in which you are earning.
Jens: variable rate: intersting But there’s already 50% rate in the first year that you become an independent primary occupation. Sp proposal is that when you start out you pay less contribution . In NL very easy to become ZZP. Only start paying social contributions after a certain amount of income, and only in realtion to actual imcome. But this makes that there ar too many ZZP’ers, or organisations that will only work with ZZP’ers. So what to do with greater influx indepents? Agreements? collective agreements are alowed by EU if the independents are dependant from each other.
Stijn: The only problem there is is that we then ask for a long period of less contributions. So, if people hold their social rights. There’s also a financial component. So maybe we should think and maybe know later in a later stage that there is more contributions to be made to, to build a tool. 2:05:30 With the the the rights build up the previous time.
Jens: how to finance the stute extra? Look at authors right?
Stijn: secondary occupationers: What we saw now in the crisis with Corona that independence in secondary occupation they had rights on certain vengeance from the government. If they earned something around 66,900 euro or 7000 so maybe that’s something we can also put forward as a proposition for secondary equation like it’s not the smallest secondary, a patient but still. Almost half of what a medical patient is that we can start from should be a minimum the other half of the full social contributions made us a star for secondary occupation and rising pension. That’s the most important one pension that the period covered that. Yeah, that you hold something from
What should be the start up time? difficult question. Visual arts can take 10 years before you start earning. But we shuoldnt make differentces.
Jennifer: work with creative skills are going to become increasingly important . So we have to be ambitious . And not follow the neo-liberal logics.
Jens: Lowering soc. contribution for artists sounds good but we shouldn’t organise precarity. Wouter: you mean: if we do this ther is less money in the social security net all round for everyone. Jennifer: I’m not talking about wher the money for the social funds should come from, just that the work of artists should not be undervalued.
Stijn: could we manage one system where in both systems you have the protection for periods where you’re not working then. And you’re also contributing to the system. I think that’s it could be a solution, a big solution for our sector.
Jens: I don’t see how you can converge those 2 systems.
SA: fear that contributions of independent s will go up. But right now it is well funded.
J: never waste a good crisis. What can we gain from it.
I’m thinking about a system where we could keep that where people who are creative, and needs money to fund the creation periods or development periods can actually also in the independent status gets a certain amount of benefits. Each month, just like they are doing right now.
Right now, Corona aid: a fixed fee for indepents, around 1600. 800 for secondary occup[ationers.
Begum: I mean, that it is still the artists employee who’s paying this stuff from their subsidies. So, I’m not really agreeing with this differentiation. And I’m just wondering, would be a way to converge these two systems be to not lower the contributions but to increase the contributions in order to be able to keep a minimum income. That’s the function that unemployment status has at the moment for me.
So pay more but get more. Higher contributions and more security.
Carlos But it’s good to remember that the government as an employer. They pay 14% for social rights and employers in the private sector they pay 25%. So, the government. If the government could take the position of employer. Also for for the government sector is that at 40%, perhaps, that’s always one possibility to build up a greater package of income of socialites,
Roger: What if artists would be employees employed by an institution like the state, or let’s say, Andy Warhol factory or something that would give the employee satus for artists.
J: If you are not just selling for example, or if you’re writing a book and then licensing it to a publisher, then you don’t have an employer that can give you the employee status, and you’re automatically confronted with effects, that’s unless you set up intermediary system that you have to become an independent.
Fr: Make a coefficient … in policy for the same time for having the unpaid, time to be paid in one on a form.
Fre: talks about invisible labour of f.e. practicing, rehearsing. For a teacher everone understands that for an hour of teaching, there is an hour of preperation. SHould be recognised that its the same for artists. Inverse pyramid . Artisits in the bottom point. the contribution to create the social protection of artists should be collected on all the industries who are taking profits from works and performances. Problem is to link the systems. Huge amount of money. Another thing: When you receive a subsidy for a project. Everybody knows that there is not enough money to pay your social production. The cost of Social Security is not counted in this subsidy.
Artists are so bably paid. impossible to live in this system.
would like to create something like the centre for scientific research (centre for artistic research) for for artists, because they are doing something so same importance in the society. And that’s a way to create revenue that way to create a recognition of the importance of searching in creation So focusing on the invisible work of creation there,
Jens: forgive me if I’m being too practical, or too technical, but I’m just trying to figure out how these proposals will strengthen the statute of independence. I’m really struck by the, the coefficient, the coefficient idea. So let’s say I’m an independent visual artists, I get 50% from my gallery. When I sell a work. What we will then do is we will calculate the coefficient on this 50%. And that will go to social security, and the gallery will pay for it.
Fre: Don’t put on the artist the weight of fear and financing. But see, how much money’s made with works and prestations.
Kevin: question, about the pluri-activity. Where is that in this proposal?
W: say you work as a dancer in a freelance thing for two months at the same time you are you are working or teaching in school, let’s say, and you do a kind of small task. And you have income off of these three different things and it’s put like in one basket for your social rights, that’s like the idea well now it’s, if I’m not mistaken put in three different baskets and the one basket says like you cannot have that other money because because it’s not the same system and. So the idea is that it’s put in that it’s put together, in a way, or that would be a proposal solution for this plury-activity.
Anna: working with young curators, I wonder if it’s possible maybe to think about a similar way of like student jobs. So instead of letting them start straightaway as independent to have a period where they kind of taste what it is like. And then they can start with a word like in regular work.